The X-Men #28

The X-Men #28

The Wail of the Banshee!

Jan­u­ary 1967

Cover Artists: Werner Roth, John Tartaglione, Sam Rosen, Art Simek


While the X-Men are wel­com­ing Mimic into their ranks, the sonic-powered Ban­shee makes him­self known via a glass-shattering art heist. His col­league, the Ogre, is focused on assault­ing the X-Mansion and kid­nap­ping Pro­fes­sor X, but the blasé Ban­shee draws atten­tion with petty thefts like paint­ings and pipe tobacco. When the two rogue mutants finally attack the X-Men, their plan to nab Xavier is thwarted and the Ban­shee reveals that it was all the brain­child of Fac­tor Three, an orga­ni­za­tion ded­i­cated to dom­i­nat­ing Earth!



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