Daredevil #27

Daredevil #27

Mike Mur­dock Must Die!

April 1967

Cover Artist: Gene Colan


In this star-studded issue, Spider-Man joins ol’ Horn Head in a fight against the united might of the Masked Marauder and Stilt-Man. The masked mas­ter­mind thinks he knows the true iden­tity of Dare­devil – Matt Murdock’s fic­tional swingin’ twin, Mike – and he’s deter­mined to track him down. Every­one close to Matt is in dan­ger, but another shock­ing reveal adds to a final show­down in a force-field encased heli­copter that puts pain to the Marauder while the webbed one helps take out the tow­er­ing Stilt-Man.



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