About Us

Vin­tage Cam­pus is owned and oper­ated by Asgard Press, mak­ers of vin­tage sta­tionery prod­ucts.  We are licensed with over 100 col­leges and uni­ver­si­ties as well as great brands such as Mar­vel Comics, Gen­eral Motors, and Rin­gling Bros. and Bar­num & Bai­ley Cir­cus.  This site was cre­ated to share some of our favorite images that we have come across in our exten­sive research.

We hope that you will join us in perus­ing the images of yes­ter­year.  Please feel free to browse, com­ment, share, and in some cases, pur­chase the images to frame in your home or office for oth­ers to enjoy.

We thank you for stop­ping by and hope you enjoy the jour­ney back in time!